CBSE Initiatives


Rajkamal Saraswati Vidya Mandir is affiliated with CBSE Board for Senior School Curriculum. We follow all the guidelines provided & recommended by the Board. Academic session starts in April and ends in March. During one academic year we follow all the circulars & set of instructions. The same is being circulated time to time to the teachers, students & parents.

School Committee for Protection of Women : A seven members committee has been formed under supervision of school Director to monitor safe & secure environment for girls as well as female employees. Meetings on regular interval are being conducted to supervised all the Do’s & Don’t.

School Traffic Safety Committee : Students, teachers, parents & employees working in the school transport department are the stake holders of school traffic safety committee. We use to hold meetings and interactions through SMS, Notices & other modes are held time to time.

FIT India : Fit India Movement is a nation-wide movement in India to encourage people to remain healthy and fit by including physical activities and sports in their daily lives.